• Loneliness, helplessness, and boredom are painful and destructive
    to our health and well-being.
  • A caring, inclusive and vibrant community enables all of us, regard
    less of age or ability, to experience well-being.
  • We thrive when we have easy access to the companionship we
    desire. This is the antidote to loneliness.
  • We thrive when we have purpose and the opportunity to give, as
    well as receive. This is the antidote to helplessness.
  • We thrive when we have variety, spontaneity, and unexpected
    happenings in our lives. This is the antidote to boredom.
  • Meaningless activity corrodes the human spirit. Meaning is unique
    to each of us and is essential to health and well being.
  • We are more than our medical diagnoses. Medical treatment should
    support and empower us to experience a life worth living.
  • Decision-making must involve those most impacted by the decision.
    Empowerment activates choice, autonomy, and influence.
  • Building a collaborative and resilient culture is a never-ending
    process. We need to keep learning, developing, and adapting.
  • Wise leadership is the key to meaningful and lasting change. For
    it, there can be no substitute.

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